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Aligning Training to Your Unique Business Goals
Enabling employees, realizing business value, and accelerating returns have become the primary objectives of organizations and IT professionals in an effort to drive stronger alignment between technology investments and business goals. An increasing number of organizations realize that a competitive advantage can be gained by training and developing IT professionals with the skills to transform the IT function and seamlessly integrate technology into the business. This type of employee development should be entrusted to adult learning experts.

Our Enterprise Learning Solutions division is dedicated to meeting the complex needs of large organizations. An effective learning strategy consists of more than training events, distance learning and a learning management system. We help you tie your learning needs to your organizational objectives. Whether your goal is to outmaneuver the competition, expand your business, or weather a downturn, adapting requires learning. PNV Solutions Inc., supports the achievement of your vision and the execution of your strategies by helping to develop your core competencies.

Our Enterprise Learning Solutions team focuses on organizations with complex, distributed learning needs who demand a tie-in to business metrics PNV Solutions Inc., is the single source for facilities, resources and expertise that enable your organization to:

  • Expand performance by increasing the productivity and effectiveness of employees and aligning them with your business objectives.

  • Provide a measurable ROI for your training.

  • Assess employee competencies against job requirements, identify gaps and create development plans to enable effectiveness and growth.

  • Develop and retain employees while minimizing travel expenses and time away from the office.


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